Spare parts for electrical and mechanical equipment


Malfunction of electrical and mechanical equipment can be divided in to groups that differ in the reason of their appearance.

In the first group the main reason for malfunctioning is the wear of mechanical elements, which is mostly a consequence of friction, fatigue and elevated temperatures, and on the other hand the oxidation of electrical elements that is mostly the consequence of the influence of oxygen, humidity, acids and dust in the surrounding air. Due to this influences an element is losing its original properties (that it had at the time of implementation) and is gradually performing worse. Wear and oxidation are relatively well predictable. Therefore it is possible to predict a failure of an element with high accuracy and replace it before the failure actually occurs. The lifetime of an element can be estimated on basis of the producer’s data, on basis of experiences, and on basis of the momentary state of the element, if it is accessible and if it is possible to test it. Activities aimed to prevent and remove malfunction of element, that are consequences of wear and that can be foreseen and predicted, are usually considered maintenance.


In the second group the reason of malfunction is totally unpredictable. The failure occurs suddenly and can be caused by a foreign body in the production process or a sudden failure of one of the elements. This failure consequently influences the whole chain of neighboring or following electrical or mechanical elements that are mutually dependent. Such a failure can be a consequence of the wear on parts that were not replaced on time, nonsufficient smearing, unsuitable input material, disturbances in the energy supply or an error in the production process of the element that was later not discovered by the quality control process. Activities of correction of errors that may cause severe disturbances in the operation of a production plant or can even stop the production and that can’t be predicted or foreseen, are usually considered servicing or repairing.


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Supply, mounting, service and maintenance 

Company BETAS stocks a great majority of spare parts for both types of malfunction and all of them we can supply in a short time. The replacement of worn parts belongs to the preventive maintenance with which unpredictable severe damages can be avoided. Such events can stop the production and require much more effort at higher costs than careful maintenance.


Beside spares for electrical and mechanical equipment we also stock and supply tiny material, for example lubricants and chemical additives used in the production process.


All our spare parts are new and genuine. They were made by the same producer that also made the original part and was according to technical specification prescribed for mounting, for which all the tests were made and for which all permissions were issued by authorities. If the new parts are professionally mounted and correctly used we issue a warranty.  Usually our warranty period for a spare part is equal to the warranty period offered by the producer of the part.


Lifetime of an element usually depends on the way of mounting and maintenance. We recommend that the mounting, service and maintenance is performed by the experts of the company BETAS.


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